
Yi-Ren Wang

Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior

Yi-Ren Wang is an Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Asia School of Business. Her research interests include precarious work, workplace inequality, behavioural poverty trap, socioeconomic mobility, work motivation, fairness, work-family dynamics, employee well-being, and workplace trauma. Her research aims to identify ways to reduce social disparities and promote upward mobility, particularly for workers in underprivileged conditions.

Prof Yi-Ren’s ongoing projects aim to explain the motivational and behavioural challenges faced by underprivileged workers at work, highlight the importance of organisational justice for promoting a long-term perspective and career investment for workers in precarity, and theorise the transmission of occupational strain across life boundaries and between individuals.

Her work has been published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and the Academy of Management Proceedings, among others.

In 2022, she was selected by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to receive the 2022 S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award for the best doctoral dissertation research in industrial-organisation psychology.

Prof Yi-Ren received her PhD in Management from the University of Alabama. She obtained her master’s degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from the University at Albany – State University of New York and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from National Taiwan University.

1045 – 1200

Wednesday 15th March



Masterclass 1: Closing the Intention-Behavior Gap for Climate Actions: Insights from the Psychological Science​
Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior​

Masterclass 2: Supply Chain Adaptability
Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management​

Masterclass 3: Purpose-Driven Business Model Innovation

Distinguished Visiting Professor at Asia School of Business, Emeritus Professor at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore